Saturday, 28 December 2013

Saying Goodbye to 2013

Another fresh new year is here. Another year to live. To overpower our worries, doubts and fears. To love and laugh and give. To forget and forgive. To commit mistakes and learn from them. To improve ourselves and others. So let us be thankful that God continues to bless us another year.

However, my fellow friends, let us not forget all the incidents happened in our life this year, 2013. Let us ask ourselves. Did we achieve our goals? Did we manage to improve ourselves? Did we manage to fight and win the challenges which we faced? Did we hurt anybody? Did we forget and forgive our enemies? Are we happy? Are we satisfied? So let us look back our past, my fellow friends.
We all know that many things happened, not only in our lifes but also to our country. This year, the Philippines faced many tragedies, just like the crisis in Mindanao, the earthquake in Cebu and Bohol, the Typhoon 'Yolanda' which struck Tacloban and other incidents. Yes, many people's lives were changed, many people's love ones, homes were taken from them in just a blink of an eye, and this still marked in minds of many. Others were traumatized, others steal and kill to survive. How could we forget these incidents. But even though, the Philippines faced these problems, we still manage to stand up and fight. And that is something the world sees. That my friends is something we the Filipinos should be proud of. But let us look at the bright side, there are also many things that made Philippines a proud country right.

Not everytime, we will be successful, there is always failures. Yes, it is impossible that a person would not experience failures, right? Because I believe that before you succeed you always fail first. There are no people in the world, who did not fail. So don't lose hope my friends. We have another year. That is why God gave us another year right, to improve, to succeed. But let us not forget that to accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream: not only plan, but also believe. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

And for me, well, I could say that, I am very thankful to God for all the blessings, I receive, the patience, the strength, and all things that made Jeff, the Jeff you know. I am very thankful to my bestfriend in Brunei and my friends and families in Brunei and the Philippines, who is always been supportive and always there for me during my brightest and darkest hour and always making me happy. And yes, I faced many challenges, I learned from my mistakes, I accomplished many things, and I realized many things. And yes, I feel proud also that I helped other people with their problems. Thank you for trusting this Big Jeff. So always remember Jeff is always here to help, for you are not alone and I am not alone. But hahaha Unfortunately, I did not manage to fully accomplished one of my 2013 new year's resolution, and that is to get thin, hahaha maybe next year. How could I ever forget this year. The year, that I faced my new life in the Philippines and would you look at that, I survived.

Soon, the year 2013, will end, we will face another year,  another challenge, another journey for our journey, doesn't stop here, we must continue to fight, do not lose hope and continue to have faith to our God Almighty. Remember, on the first day of January is the first blank page of a 365 page book. So write a good one hahahaha. Good bye 2013, and Hello 2014.

Happy New Year to all my friends and wish u all the best. GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

Friday, 20 December 2013

The Time for All

Would you look at that.... another year will end soon and Christmas is just around the corner.... Are you ready for Christmas? So let me wish you all a Merry Christmas and have a wonderful vacation yall.

So what is Christmas? Well It is the time for happiness, a time for joy, a time for love, a time for caring , a time for giving, a time for peace, a time for forgiveness,  a time for a feast (My favourite), a time for enjoyment, a time for relaxation, a time for our families, a time for our friends, and it is a time for all.

Yes we could say, Christmas is a time for all, and that is what makes it special. One thing that I mentioned before is that Christmas is a time for happiness, joy, love, giving and peace. Yes that is what I love about Christmas, everybody is smiling. I love people who keep on smiling and of course receiving and giving gifts is also my favourite, I mean who doesn't love it? Hahaha, If you have problems, forget it? Come on, you should enjoy. Love problems??? Well, Christmas is a time for love right, Is doesn't matter, whoever he is or she is, forget them for a while, remember many people around you care for you and love you, you are never been alone. Okay, be happy, It is Christmas.

And another thing which I love about Christmas, is the colourful surroundings and of course the different types of food, gosh I am excited. Yes, the Santa claus, the Christmas trees with a star on top of them, the Christmas lights, people caroling. It only happens once a year. Happiness is everywhere.

But what makes it more special is that, it is a time to forgive and forget. Sometimes it is hard to forgive and forget something bad, that a person did to you or to your friends. But we should keep in mind, that there are no perfect person on Earth except for our Almighty God. We all make mistakes, and that is human nature. We should learn to forget and forgive. Even I find it difficult to forget and forgive, well thanks to my friends, they made me realized that, what if the person I dislike, have problems, or whatsoever, what if, I am not in the right side, so I guess I should just let it be and forget. And it is Christmas, probably it is the right time to forgive and yes to  whoever you are, I forgive you.

Yes, indeed there are many things that makes Christmas  special. What makes Christmas even merrier, is that if you spend it with your family and friends. I just love spending my Christmas with all people who I care. I love eating with them, exchanging gifts with them, laughing with them. You see, the feeling during Christmas is something I can't explain, probably you might feel it that way too.

Christmas is time for all, Christmas is not just a simple holiday, but it is holiday with many purpose as I said earler, and that is what makes it very special. Be happy, forget and forgive, enjoy and give, for that is why Christmas is made at the first place right.

Merry Christmas to all and God Bless you my friends.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

Our Ignorance

In our world today, ignorance is one of the common things we humans possess. But first of all, what is ignorance? Simply, it means lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. Many would say that ignorance is one of the biggest problems we all face nowadays.

Well I would like to ask you some questions. How much do you know about your government? How much do you know your country's history? How much do you know your rights as a citizen? How much do you care for your country? How much do you know your friends? How much do you know yourselves?

Why do you think I would waste my time to ask you those questions? Well the reason is that, I want you, my fellow friends, to think again and ask yourselves, do we know the answers to those questions? Well probably the answer is 'NO'.

To be honest, I am writing this because I am also a victim of my own ignorance. We must admit it, we are sometimes ignorant of our surroundings.

Sometimes we would judge people because of their looks and attitudes, sometimes we would criticize others for their actions, sometimes we would blame our government with their faults, sometimes we would forget others who really done something significant and ready to die for our country and instead we care more about a celebrity, sometimes we would do something which is against the law and sometimes we would do something that would not only hurt ourselves but also others.

Do you think, when you criticize, blame, or judge, are you always at the right side? Well think again, how can you be 100% sure with your conclusion? We must understand that in a scientific method, we can't conclude until we make observations, analyzations, experiments. Right? So be sure when you judge, or better don't judge.

Sometimes there are people who never smile and never talk to anyone,  maybe because he is protecting himself, but probably we would conclude that this person is a bad person. Sometimes there will be reports saying that this politicians are accused of corruption, but probably we would criticize him, but how can we be sure that he actually did it, it has not been prove yet. And yes I became a victim of judging.

Now, are we going to continue to close our eyes and be ignorant of our surroundings?  Are we going to let our ignorance overrule us? Are we going to accept our downfall? We should stop it, open our eyes, look for the truth and see the real truth. Let us help others and lead them to the right path. We can always change, it is never been too late to change. If we all will change, then we can make the world a better place. So remember my friends, don't let our ignorance take us away for it will only reward you harm.

Thank you for reading sirs and maams and thank you to my fellow friend, Lance, for giving me inspiration to write this blog. GOD BLESS YOU ALL....