Sunday, 1 December 2013

Our Ignorance

In our world today, ignorance is one of the common things we humans possess. But first of all, what is ignorance? Simply, it means lack of knowledge, education, or awareness. Many would say that ignorance is one of the biggest problems we all face nowadays.

Well I would like to ask you some questions. How much do you know about your government? How much do you know your country's history? How much do you know your rights as a citizen? How much do you care for your country? How much do you know your friends? How much do you know yourselves?

Why do you think I would waste my time to ask you those questions? Well the reason is that, I want you, my fellow friends, to think again and ask yourselves, do we know the answers to those questions? Well probably the answer is 'NO'.

To be honest, I am writing this because I am also a victim of my own ignorance. We must admit it, we are sometimes ignorant of our surroundings.

Sometimes we would judge people because of their looks and attitudes, sometimes we would criticize others for their actions, sometimes we would blame our government with their faults, sometimes we would forget others who really done something significant and ready to die for our country and instead we care more about a celebrity, sometimes we would do something which is against the law and sometimes we would do something that would not only hurt ourselves but also others.

Do you think, when you criticize, blame, or judge, are you always at the right side? Well think again, how can you be 100% sure with your conclusion? We must understand that in a scientific method, we can't conclude until we make observations, analyzations, experiments. Right? So be sure when you judge, or better don't judge.

Sometimes there are people who never smile and never talk to anyone,  maybe because he is protecting himself, but probably we would conclude that this person is a bad person. Sometimes there will be reports saying that this politicians are accused of corruption, but probably we would criticize him, but how can we be sure that he actually did it, it has not been prove yet. And yes I became a victim of judging.

Now, are we going to continue to close our eyes and be ignorant of our surroundings?  Are we going to let our ignorance overrule us? Are we going to accept our downfall? We should stop it, open our eyes, look for the truth and see the real truth. Let us help others and lead them to the right path. We can always change, it is never been too late to change. If we all will change, then we can make the world a better place. So remember my friends, don't let our ignorance take us away for it will only reward you harm.

Thank you for reading sirs and maams and thank you to my fellow friend, Lance, for giving me inspiration to write this blog. GOD BLESS YOU ALL....

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