Friday, 15 November 2013

Insults are just words.

An insult is an expression, statement (or sometimes behavior) which is considered degrading, offensive and impolite.
I guess everybody around the world have experience insults from other people, right? Hahaha

The question is, do we need to get hurt or to pay attention to this insults? The answer is yes and no. Surprising yet confusing, so let me elaborate more.

So lets start with yes, we have to listen. Sometimes we people can't really see what our attitude is to other people. Sometimes we don't realized that we are hurting them already. So analyze these insults to yourself, do you think you are doing this? If yes, then you have no choice but to change but some will still continue to do it for they think that they are in the right side. Well that depends on each other's principle.

Now with no, we should not listen. We have to understand that some just dislikes you because of who you are, well perhaps they are just jealous. But you should show them that you wont get affected with their insults. Well the reason is there is a possibility that they will just stop because whatever they do, you won't get mad.

For me, I treat insults as jokes. All my life, people been tellings insults such as "you are fat", "you re big", "you look like an elephant." However, even though people saying this to me, I just prefer laugh at them. I always believe If I'll be mad, then they will think I am sensitive. Not to mention, it is a waste of energy if you get mad. Words are just words, they won't hurt you if you won't allow them. But I also prefer to make my life as fun as possible, because if you will always be serious then you life on earth is boring and useless. In addition to that, I also have the passion with insulting myself because I believe that the best joke is insulting yourself rather than insulting and hurting others. Well I love playing safe so thats why.

So my friends insults are just words, its your decision if you would listen or not, but also keep in mind that insults is one of the reason why people suceeds, right? Life without insults would be incomplete. My only advice is have fun for you only live once or YOLO thats why. Hahahah

Thanks for reading sirs and maams. GOD BLESS

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