Monday, 18 November 2013

The values of a smile.

Smiles, one of the important things I value in life. For me, smiling is what makes the world go round, believe me or not, I personally love smiling.

Well we all know that it takes more muscles and energy to frown rather than to smile, so why frown? Right. However, what does a smile mean? Simply it means that you are happy. But why do we need to smile? Well there are many good reasons why we need to smile.

One reason why we should smile is that we must be thankful that we are still alive and we have our family our friends, right? So smile while you are alive, just kidding. Hahaha. Another reason is that when we smile, we are not only making ourselves look happy but at the same time we make other people happy as well. Well that is the beauty of it, A smile can affect another person. When a person is sad and when we smile at him probably it will make him feel better. And another reason is that when we smile, people will have this impression that we are easily approachable and so in other words we can attract others. But make sure your smile is legitimate or correct or socially accepted and I dont mean that the seductive smile or even the evil smile is in the list of the smiles which is appropriate. Just use the simple smile, that is fine.

Well of course, what would be the use of our teeth and mouth if we dont use it to smile right. That is why God gave us this that would not only benefit us but also others. However there are many smiles that I won't forget. One would be my bestfriend's smile back in Brunei who has been one of my source of strenght there. In my life, I have seen many others with different types of the smile and then again another person I met here in the Philippines, with the same smile just like my bestfriend. But the funny thing was that both of them are born on the same month. Well now I am asking are everyone born on this month have the same smiles. So when I first met this person, his smile did something that changed my life.

His smile was filled with joy and his smile seems like that it had powers to attract others quickly. Well I really can't explain his smile. But I am pretty sure that the smile was a smile of a faithful, strong and a wise friend. So what do I mean that it changed my life, well because of that smile, it made me feel secure and it made me feel home again.

Every morning he comes to school with that smile always mades my day complete. That smile is also the reason why I survived here in the Philippines. Unfortunately, now something changed, the smile that I used to see know is now just a simple smile. That is why I know deep inside that eventhough he is smiling, he is in pain and yes it breaks the heart to see a close friend looking like that.

However, I still believe that his smile will return and rise again because I know that whatever challenges he face, he will still manage to smile. That is what I admired about him, his strength.

So my dear friends, eventhough we have many problems in life, we should not forget to smile, we must remember that any challenges faced will soon be gone. We must keep on fighting for that is what life is for, to fight and still we must not forget that we should always trust to our Lord our Saviour, for nothing is impossible to him. So keep on smiling people for every tomorrow is a new day.

Thanks for reading sirs and maams, God bless u all....

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